Migratory Bird

Autumn's Arrival In National Wildlife Refuges: A Season of Natural Wonders

Autumn's Arrival In National Wildlife Refuges: A Season of Natural Wonders

As the days grow shorter and a chill creeps into the air, nature begins its enchanting transformation, heralding the arrival of autumn. For the National Wildlife Refuge System, this season brings a unique charm, a time when wildlife and landscapes prepare for the colder months. Here, we delve into the splendid signs of autumn that grace our national wildlife refuges, where the beauty of nature meets its vibrant, resplendent side.

What's a Flyway Anyway? Revealing The Mysteries of Bird Migratory Flyways

What's a Flyway Anyway? Revealing The Mysteries of Bird Migratory Flyways

In the grand symphony of nature, migratory animals take center stage, dancing to the rhythm of ancient patterns. Imagine the tales whispered in the winds as they traverse the vastness between breeding and wintering grounds. These tales are etched along the pathways known as migration flyways, intricate threads that weave through the aerial realm, guiding the delicate flight of insects and the majestic journey of birds.

Feathered Friends and Flowing Water: The Vital Role of National Wildlife Refuges in Protecting Migratory Birds

Feathered Friends and Flowing Water: The Vital Role of National Wildlife Refuges in Protecting Migratory Birds

World Migratory Bird Day is a global celebration of the incredible journeys birds make each year as they travel thousands of miles between their breeding and wintering grounds. This year's theme is water, which is fitting since migratory birds rely heavily on aquatic ecosystems throughout their life cycles.

Feathery Fun: Celebrating National Bird Day and the Importance of the National Wildlife Refuge System

Feathery Fun: Celebrating National Bird Day and the Importance of the National Wildlife Refuge System

Happy National Bird Day! Today is a time to celebrate and appreciate our feathered friends and all the joy they bring to our lives. But it's also a time to reflect on the importance of protecting and preserving the habitats that these birds call home.

Enhancing Texas Gulf Coast National Wildlife Refuges & The Lands Beyond Their Boundaries

Enhancing Texas Gulf Coast National Wildlife Refuges & The Lands Beyond Their Boundaries

The National Wildlife Refuge Association has been involved in projects to assist national wildlife refuges and areas beyond their boundaries on the Texas Gulf Coast for many years with an emphasis on conservation planning, community engagement, and land acquisition. In the past, the National Wildlife Refuge Association has been involved with projects focused on the Texas Chenier Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, and the Bahia Grande Coastal Corridor benefiting Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.

Duck Stamps Conserve Wildlife Habitat

Duck Stamps Conserve Wildlife Habitat

Buying a Federal Duck Stamp (Stamp) is one of the most effective ways you can conserve wildlife. Approximately 98% of the $25 Stamp directly funds land acquisition and easements that provide critical habitat for wildlife. These lands are part of the National Wildlife Refuge System and you can access many of them!